In August 2014, the world was rocked by news of the "TheFappening," an event which saw hundreds of nude celebrity photos leaked onto the internet. It is regarded as one of the biggest data breaches in history and came about when hackers managed to access Apple's cloud storage system and steal personal images that were meant to remain private. For those who followed the story closely, it was clear that this incident had far-reaching implications for all types of internet users. It demonstrated just how easy it was for hackers to gain access to sensitive information, even if it was stored securely on a cloud-based system. The scandal also highlighted the importance of using strong passwords and setting up two-factor authentication whenever possible. Since then, there has been a greater awareness of online security measures and people are beginning to take their data protection more seriously than ever before. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done in the case of "TheFappening" – many celebrities had their most intimate images made public against their will; something which caused immense distress and embarrassment at the time. Though difficult to comprehend, what happened in 2014 is still relevant today; a valuable lesson that safety online shouldn’t be taken lightly or taken for granted. We won't forget what happened during “TheFappening” but hopefully society will benefit from this experience going forward - taking extra steps to ensure our digital lives are as secure as possible.