Are you tired of all the same celebrity content and hoping to find something fresh and new? Look no further! is the perfect solution for that celebrity porn fix you desire. We carry the best selection of celebrity porn on the Internet, with a vast array of content available for our viewers from around the world. From the hottest actresses to popular music stars, our selection is endless. No matter your fetish or kink, you are sure to find something special here. Whether you are looking for explicit nude photos or steamy erotica scenes, has exactly what you need to spice up your life. Our unique collection of talent offers an impressive array of different body types and ages - so whatever your preference may be in finding your fantasy partner, we have it in store at! You can be sure that every video we feature here at Scandal Planet is hand-selected with care - meaning that each one is higher quality than anything else offered on celebrity sites out there today. Plus, by using ultra HD cameras and high-end editing techniques, we make sure that each movie here accurately captures just how stunningly gorgeous each one of our talents are in real life! Plus, as an added bonus, everything featured on our website is 100% free to view! That's right; despite carrying some of the most amazing content from celebrities around Hollywood and beyond - we don't charge any membership fees or hidden charges for access to any of our videos. This means that costs won't get in the way of enjoying some naughty fun between you and your favorite celebrity crush! At, titillation doesn't stop there though; not only do we offer incredible visuals but also exclusive audio clips where stars talk flirtatiously about their fantasies over a live line! We guarantee to deliver these sultry voices directly into your bedroom for maximum pleasure anytime. So why miss out? Head over to Scandalplanet now and start experiencing sexy celebrity excitement today!